This began as a game some bloggers played in 2008, to write about people who'd made an impact, in the same number of words as one's age, every day for a year. I did them less often and went on longer, adding one word each birthday. I stopped in 2016 and incorporated them into my main poetry blog. In 2019 I resumed the project and gave it its own blog again, with a new name, where it may unfold at its own (slow, intermittent, lapsing and resuming) pace. I've labelled these verse portraits, but they're more like quick sketches: mere glimpses, impressions....

Saturday, 7 July 2012

As I Drive Away

As I drive away from the park 
where I've been sitting 
looking at trees, and writing,

I see him squatting 
atop a wooden table 
in the gazebo near the pond.

He wears a hooded jacket;
a small back-pack clings
to his hunched shoulders.

It's only 4:15. Already
the cold hunkers down
and the slow mist comes in.

I wouldn't like to be homeless
tonight, I think, shivering
as I drive away.

[Poem #94]

Shared, years later, in Writers' Pantry #37  at Poets and Storytellers United.