This began as a game some bloggers played in 2008, to write about people who'd made an impact, in the same number of words as one's age, every day for a year. I did them less often and went on longer, adding one word each birthday. I stopped in 2016 and incorporated them into my main poetry blog. In 2019 I resumed the project and gave it its own blog again, with a new name, where it may unfold at its own (slow, intermittent, lapsing and resuming) pace. I've labelled these verse portraits, but they're more like quick sketches: mere glimpses, impressions....

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

My Late Adopted Brother

Bulky, deep-voiced, bushy-bearded,
smoker (both kinds) 
acquainted with drink.
How could he be an angel? 

           ’deep down 
a gentle, gentle soul’
(words of a mourner
on facebook); ‘the kindest, 
sensitive, most creative … 
deepest feelings’ (another);
his musical gift; and the way
he always had my back.

I like to think of him
pleasantly surprised
finding himself there;
can well imagine he’d choose
to stay now, not come back
for another turn on the wheel.

Adios, Bro!

[Poem #106]

I'm sharing this one at the latest Tuesday Platform at 'imaginary garden with real toads', and at Poets United's Poetry Pantry #485.