This began as a game some bloggers played in 2008, to write about people who'd made an impact, in the same number of words as one's age, every day for a year. I did them less often and went on longer, adding one word each birthday. I stopped in 2016 and incorporated them into my main poetry blog. In 2019 I resumed the project and gave it its own blog again, with a new name, where it may unfold at its own (slow, intermittent, lapsing and resuming) pace. I've labelled these verse portraits, but they're more like quick sketches: mere glimpses, impressions....

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Brief Encounter

In the waiting-room
a baby wailed,
held to his mother’s shoulder
as she stood at the counter
her back to the rest of us.

He was bald and pale,
swathed in white.
The huge sound of his distress
shattered the air.

I sent him a beam of love
across the space.
Immediately his cry stopped.
He raised his head,
looked straight at me,
held my gaze and smiled.

Shared with Writers' Pantry #40 at Poets and Storytellers United, 4 Oct. 2020.

[Poem #59]


  1. That frozen moment makes one so curious about the relationship between those three people-

    1. Well, it's autobiographical. It really was a brief encounter between me and the baby. He and his mother were both strangers to me, and that was the whole of the interaction.

  2. Babies are god's face and their innocent smile a relief to us all.

  3. A beautifully captured moment, Rosemary. It is heartbreaking to hear babies cry and such a joy when we can make them smile.

  4. It is all in the eyes - a spellbinding poem

  5. Love it What a great idea. Love the last stanza Amazing. I had an interaction with the baby of my boss. I carried him and by accident he bumped his head. He started to scream and I looked at him in shock. He looked back at me and stopped crying immediately. haha

  6. I loved it. "Brief Encounter' would be a great prompt to write to!

  7. That's a wonderful encounter. To be able to reach out to another soul; a stranger at it, is a powerful gift. I also like your idea and purpose of this "slow" and intermittent project.

    1. I think we all can reach out like that; only we need to know that we can.

  8. Wonderful resurrection.
    Great capture of an elusive vibe.

  9. A brief encounter of shared peace is wonderful.

  10. a heart-warming snapshot of an unexpected encounter. :)

  11. Nice pinnacle moment shared.

  12. Oh my goodness! That is one magical moment you've shared with us. I wish I could have been in that waiting room. Lovely, Rosemary.

    1. I think the baby and I were the only two people there who really understood what had happened.

  13. I love this description of a sweet moment of connection between two souls in very different stages of life. A little love never goes amiss.

  14. "a beam of love" Nice.
    Have a good week. Thanks for dropping by my sumie Sunday post


  15. Oh this is so beautiful...this happens...especially with kids and animals...!!

    1. Ah yes! They are so receptive, so quick to sense energy.

  16. If we all would just take more time, be still, and focus on our energy - what kind are we holding inside - and send the good stuff out!

  17. I very much like the idea of sending a beam of love ... and perhaps that's exactly what he baby received! Stranger things have happened. Keep on sending those beams!


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