This began as a game some bloggers played in 2008, to write about people who'd made an impact, in the same number of words as one's age, every day for a year. I did them less often and went on longer, adding one word each birthday. I stopped in 2016 and incorporated them into my main poetry blog. In 2019 I resumed the project and gave it its own blog again, with a new name, where it may unfold at its own (slow, intermittent, lapsing and resuming) pace. I've labelled these verse portraits, but they're more like quick sketches: mere glimpses, impressions....

Friday, 21 December 2012

Writers' group: Nan

Nan is the wicked one
who surprises newcomers 
whenever she reads.

It's not that she uses 
naughty words, or blasphemes;
it's her thoughts that are naughty,
her soul that's irreverent.

(More truly reverent 
than many a churchgoer,
she likes the Lord — she's just
not in awe. Her humorous tales
are in fact moral fables.)

And she's the effortless 
in competitions always 
commended at least.

Underneath it all,
she appreciates

[Poem #102]

Writers' group: Anne

I once told her
I thought she'd write something
important one day,
or at least that she could.

Did that make her fearful,
give her too much
to begin to live up to? 

For months after that 
she found no words to write.
We missed her acerbic wit.

But she kept coming,
listened as others read,
offered feedback.

Then sudden fantastic beings 
poured across her page, strangers
revealing themselves
to her fascinated scribe.

[Poem #101]

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Writers' group: Helen

Her smile is always
the first thing I see
as she enters the room.

She exudes a cosy kindness that belies 
the cool, precise, administrative intellect.

Now she is all about family.
When she can't come, it's because
she is baby-sitting grandchildren
(not the only one to do that, but
the one who does it most often).

And she writes about family,
exploring generations past
whose lives enthral like an epic novel.

[Poem #100]

Writers' group: Hebe

She's like some cousin
I never knew I had.
Indeed, in my youth,
unsuspected cousins migrated
from her land to mine.

The Anglo-Indian connection
Mum kept secret.
Her father's Scottish complexion
allowed that, and my Dad's
English heritage.

The dark I longed for
died with Nana, she
more Indian than Anglo;
that warmth....
Hebe arrives –

childhood stories
that might have been mine
had the family stayed
there: not Tasmania.
And, that warmth.

[Poem #99]

Monday, 17 December 2012

Writers' group: Eddie

Insists he believes in nothing;
really believes that. Can argue
in support of this position.

Is not vehement against
other people's beliefs,
simply adamant
that he himself has none.

He likes hot climates,
dark-haired women,
and playing guitar.
Arthritis cut the music.

We older women, and Eddie, 
gather weekly to write,
learning each other,
building mateship.

A friend, meeting him, remarks,
'He is at ease with quiet.
That's rare in a man.'

[Poem #98]

Writers' group: Cheryl

How can I fit her into
seventy-three words?

She'll think I mean
her physical abundance,
but no. It's her bigness 
of spirit — 

with tears or laughter,
vocal with passionate rage,
quick to hug me
if ever I'm sad.

She faced down death
with prayer
and black humour

stays alive
in green pastures
with a man she loves
beyond reason
(and sundry pets ditto)

as a writer
fears no confrontation ... 

remembers singing.

[Poem #97]

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Writers' Group: Jean

Jean is new to the writing group.
She fits right in at once.

I'm glad to be joined by another 
poet. (It gets lonely.)

After her first session, 
she asks, 'Will you have me?'

Our question is, will she 
have us? Yes! She comes back.

Retired English teacher,
good proof-reader, witty, polite ...

When I read my widowhood poems
she understands exactly.

I see her getting every word,
feeling them. Oh, she knows!

[Poem #96]

Writers' Group: Bron

Bronwyn has a lover,
likes to say it, likes the word.
She likes to play with words —

sensual, musical, 
shaping stories;
likes to write of deserts

of foreign landscapes, and 
the interior space of the mind; 
by inference the heart.

Her own heart is with the sea
and hints of tribal secrets;
makes of them poems.

In a friend's house I admired 
a sketch, a graceful nude.
She told me, 'Bron did that.'

[Poem #95]