My son David —
slim and golden, beautiful —
looks good in all his clothes now,
and is more adventurous with them.
The red T-shirt lightens him up.
He smiles and talks to me
more than he used to.
He seems very happy lately,
confident and free;
even laughs at my jokes.
He has been growing muscle
working as a builder's labourer
(holiday job) for his dad
in Tasmania, at the caravan park.
[Poem #104]
[Poem #104]
Found poem from old journal entry 14/1/87
Comments at original posting:
ReplyDeleterallentanda 11 November 2014 at 20:10
Oh... this must be dredging up a whole host of memories going through your old journals.I feel sadness about...don't know whether it is the moon cycle or just seasonal...Take care !
Rosemary Nissen-Wade 12 November 2014 at 07:17
Well yes, these memories are emotionally mixed. The said caravan park turned out to be a disastrous business venture. And those strong muscles my son grew enabled him to pick up our dear (large) old dog in his arms when she lost mobility due to old age and illness, so we could take her to the vet for her last sleep. Perhaps you were tuning into some of that?
Sherry Blue Sky 12 November 2014 at 12:54
Going through old poems, and letters and photos is poignant, yet so wonderfully rich are the times remembered. I am enjoying this look back with you, Rosemary.
Rosemary Nissen-Wade 18 November 2014 at 06:59
Stick around! It might be a bit spasmodic, depending what else is going on at any time, but I am enjoying it too.